Create an Account

Create an Account


This page will allow CSNSW Sport Administrator staff to create an account for another CSNSW Administrator in the Sports Portal.


  • Login details for the CSNSW Sports Portal


  1. Log in to NETiD at https://netid.cecnsw.catholic.edu.au/ (use this page if you need assistance in this step:https://csnsw.atlassian.net/l/c/7CrGcEbN)

  2. Select CSNSW Sport Portal (or use https://csnsw.atlassian.net/l/c/YFSEE3g0 to assist in this step)

  3. In the CSNSW Sport Portal, click Create Account in the top right hand corner


4. Select the drop down option Staff

5. Enter all compulsory details for the new user

User Type: is Administrator

6. Tick Status: Active

7. Click Save

8. Under Available Groups click on each of the following groups, individually, and click Add after each one

You Must select the following user groups to Add to the user’s account:

  1. Administrators

  2. CSNSW Admin

  3. System

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