Make a User an Administrator

Make a User an Administrator


This article will help an Administrator make another user an Administrator of NETiD.


  • Your NETiD login details

  • You must have the ability to provision your staff


  1. Login to your Netid account at https://netid.csnsw.catholic.edu.au

  2. Select Users

3. Select the staff member you’d like to provision.

You can search for a person by typing in their first or surname in User Name

4. Select Edit for the staff member you wish to give this level of access.

This can be given to multiple people. Note you are Impersonating this person so there will not be an approval process (task).

5. Select the tab Organisational Details

6. Select Edit for the organisation you would like them to be Administrator for.


7. Change the default from Standard to Administrator

8. Click Save

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