Create a new account in NetID
This article will help you understand how to set up your own account in NetID so that you can access Catholic Schools NSW services.
You will need a working email address provided by Microsoft Office 365 or Google Workspace
We recommend using Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge web browser. Both these browsers offer the most seamless access to the platform and the Single Sign-On process.
New Accounts
1. Go to the NetID website at or you can also Google “netid” and it will be the first option available to you.
2. Please enter your email address and select Next
Select the “Sign Up” tab to start the process of creating your account.
Click on the appropriate button to either “Sign up with Google” (if you use G Suite for your email) or “Sign up with Microsoft” (if you use Office 365/Outlook for your email).
For the creation of new accounts, the only option is to use Single Sign-On (SSO) through your school or diocesan email account. It means your NetID account will be linked to your Goo