Remove a User's Access from your Organisation

Remove a User's Access from your Organisation


Teachers, Principals and Diocesan staff members can move from one Organisation to another. This article is designed to provide a quick guide on the best way to remove a staff member’s access to all applications in NETiD, within the one Organisation. This is to ensure all Privacy and Confidentiality is protected, particularly for students.


In order to be able to remove a staff member’s access to your Organisation, you will need to make sure that you have the following:

  • Your NETiD username

  • Your NETiD password

  • You must be the Principal (if removing a teacher’s access) or a Diocesan Officer (if removing a Principal’s access)


  1. Login to your Netid at https://netid.csnsw.catholic.edu.au

  2. Select the tab Users

3. Select

4. Delink for the staff member you wish to remove from accessing your organisation.

This will allocate them to a ‘holding’ school if they are not linked to another organisation. It also removes all access to applications at your organisation.