CSNSW Sport Student Registration Code of Conduct

CSNSW Sport Student Registration Code of Conduct

Expectations of students

  • Follow any instructions given by the Convener, Team Manager or other legitimate authority.

  • Remain within your allocated Area. No Student may leave their allocated area without permission from your Team Manager.

  • Co- operate with your Team Manager, Team Members, and Opponents.

  • Work equally hard for yourself and your Team, for the benefit of your Team’s performance and your own.

  • Practise good sportsmanship and participate in a spirit of ‘fair play’, encouraging fellow Team members.

  • Compete by the rules and always abide by the referee’s/umpire’s decision as final. 

  • Control their temper and not engage in criticism through words or gestures.

  • Compete in the events entered on the official entry sheet / programme punctually. Unwarranted withdrawals may incur a penalty, including exclusion from all further events.

  • Remain to the conclusion of the Carnival/Trial as a matter of courtesy to all competitors.

  • Strictly refrain from smoking or using/bringing any alcoholic or illegal substances or participating in illegal behaviour whilst participating at CSNSW Sport events. This includes all excursions and camps in addition to sporting carnivals and trials. 

  • Strictly refrain from engaging in any behaviour which may amount to bullying and harassment and which would impact on the safety and wellbeing of other students, parents or officials.

Expectations of Parents/Guardians

  • Focus on the child's efforts and performance rather than winning or losing.

  • Comply with the directions issued by Team Managers or other legitimate authority whilst attending CSNSW Sport events.

  • Respect the rights, dignity and worth of every person regardless of gender, ability, cultural background or religion.

  • Remember that barracking may be enthusiastic but it should never be fanatical or designed to heckle, belittle or disturb opposing team members.

  • Refrain from using bad language or harassing any players (from the opposition or your own team), coaches, officials, referees or other spectators.

  • Encourage their children to play according to the rules and to settle disagreements without resorting to hostility or violence.

  • Support all efforts to remove verbal and physical abuse by players from sporting activities, leading by example themselves.

  • Respect officials' decisions and teach your children to do likewise.

  • Be courteous and constructive in your communication with coaches, officials and managers.

  • Respect the authority of coaches and managers and never question or confront them at the sports venue or during training sessions in front of other spectators and players.

  • Familiarise yourself with any rules or guidelines (e.g. printed in the program or on notices at the venue) that apply to your child’s participation in a particular event and abide by any such rules & guidelines.

  • Strictly refrain from engaging in any behaviour which may amount to bullying and harassment and which would impact on the safety and wellbeing of other students, parents or officials.

  • Strictly refrain from smoking or using/bringing any alcoholic or illegal substances or participating in illegal behaviour whilst attending at CSNSW Sport events.

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