Getting Started Guide for Parents - Sport Registration with video

Getting Started Guide for Parents - Sport Registration with video

Creating a New Account

If you have NOT previously had an account, you will need to set one up so you can register your child.

  1. Go to https://csnsw.sport/

  2. Click on Create Account which is located in the blue box on the top right hand side of the page.

  3. Click on Parent

  4. Complete all the fields and click on Create Account. You will receive a confirmation email.

  5. Log into https://csnsw.sport/ to register your child.

Reactivate your account or recover your password

  1. If you had an account on the previous website (www.csss.nsw.edu.au), go to the CSNSW Sport website (https://csnsw.sport/)

  2. Click on Log In, and then select Forgot Password, enter your email address and click on Reset Password. This will send a link to your emails to reset password.

  3. Log into https://csnsw.sport/ with email address and new password.

Adding your child

  1. Click on Add Child

  2. Complete all fields. Click NEXT

  3. Complete all fields on the next page and click on Add Child

Registering for a Sport

  1. Scroll to your child’s profile

  2. Click on Register for a Sport

  3. Select the Sport from “available sport registration”. Please note that you will have to select “ the sport” (Diocese Selection)

  4. Click Next

  5. Review your child’s details and if they are correct tick the “Acknowledgement” box and click Next

  6. Sport Specific Details – these will be for the Diocesan event your child has already attended. Then click Next

  7. Consent to Participate - Complete all the fields and click on Finish – This will take you to the cart

  8. Complete the levy payment and uniform purchase (if applicable)

    Your child’s sport registration:
    GREEN – everything is complete – acknowledgement of details, consent and policy agreements, levy payment and uniform orders
    ORANGE – your child’s registration is awaiting Principal approval
    RED – you have not completed the registration. Please return and complete.

  10. The Principal will be notified to give approval when your registration is complete. The Principal cannot give approval until all steps of registration is complete including payment.

  11. Once the principal has approved this, your child will be progressed to the Polding/MacKillop/NSWCCC event.

Progressing to the next level

Once you have been selected to the next level you will receive an email to login in to your account

  1. Scroll to the child’s profile and there will be a box in red "Confirm Selection" Click on the box.

  2. Review your child’s details and if they are correct tick the “Acknowledgement” box and click Next

  3. Sport Specific Details: Review all of the Polding information and click Next

  4. Consent to Participate: Complete all the fields and click on Finish

  5. Add to Cart: Levy and uniform will be displayed. (If applicable)
    Follow the prompts and click on Checkout

  6. This will take you to the payment options. Complete payment.

Checking the progress of your child’s registration

At any stage you can check your child's registration progress. The stages are colour coded

  • GREEN - the registration is complete

  • ORANGE  - the registration is awaiting Principal Approval or School Action

  • RED - You have not completed the registration and must return to the process

You can check details, what you have agreed to and your cart/orders by clicking on View Registrations and scrolling through the sections. (Purchases are at the end)

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