How to enable Record and Transcribe in Teams

How to enable Record and Transcribe in Teams

Via Outlook

  1. In Outlook, go to Calendar and then create a meeting.

  2. Select “Teams Meeting” in the ribbon to add Teams Meeting to your meeting.

  3. In the meeting details, select “Metting options.” This will open your browser and take you to your meeting configurations.



  1. On the left menu, select “Record & transcript“.

  1. Click the button along the “Record and transcribe automatically” to change it from No (default) to Yes. Select the Save button to apply the changes to your meeting.

  1. Once saved and done, return to the meeting window in Outlook to continue setting up the meeting, such as adding attendees and messages, and then Send the meeting.

Via Teams

  1. In Teams, on the left menu, go to Calendar

  2. Create a new meeting.

  3. On the top right menu, select “Options”.

  4. Click the button along the “Record and transcribe automatically” to change it from No (default) to Yes.

  1. Continue setting up the meeting, such as adding attendees and messages, and then click the Save button to send the meeting.