Link your Google or Microsoft account to NETiD
We have released an update to NETiD that allows you to link your Google or Microsoft account that is associated with your School or Diocese so that you can use it to log in to NETiD instead of a username and password.
The procedure below explains how to link your account.
In the future, this will allow quicker access to all CSNSW apps, and remove the need to maintain a username and password for CSNSW moving forward.
An existing NETiD account with username and password
An existing Google or Microsoft account associated with your School or Diocese
These instructions are for those who already have a NETiD account, want to link their Google or Microsoft account to NETiD for the first time to enable the Single Sign-On feature.
Please type in the URL
Do not copy and paste this URL, as it will not work.
2. Type your username and password into the login page
3. Click Log In
4. Click on Link your Google or Microsoft Account