Re-Declaring Census Data in SchoolsHUB


If you find an error in your Census data you will need to re-declare your Census data after your data has been re-uploaded to SchoolsHUB.

Running the SchoolsHUB All Census Details report

The SchoolsHUB All Census Details report should capture all of the manual entry they have such as commentary and explanations. If this step is not done you may lose all the comments made when data is re-uploaded.

  1. Log in to SchoolsHUB and find their school in the Non-Government Schools Census 2020 section.

  2. Click on the Summary button.

  3. Run the All Census Details report as XLS and save a copy.

Un-declaring your School Census data

  1. Log in to SchoolsHUB and find their school in the Non-Government Schools Census 2020 section.

  2. Start the wizard by clicking the Edit button.

  3. Complete Steps 1 & 2 of the wizard.

  4. Click on Save & Exit.

CSNSW Re-Upload your Census data

CSNSW will re-upload your data and confirm with your diocese team that you are ready to re-declare.

Re-Declaring your Census data

The process for re-declaring your Census data is the same as the declaration process from here. You can follow the video tutorial to compete.

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