Upload 'Unique Student ID Data' Securely

Upload 'Unique Student ID Data' Securely


If you don’t have access to the Census Portal or can’t remember your log in details please use our Help Centre portal to log an issue, email census@csnsw.catholic.edu.au or call the Census Hotline on (02) 9287 1511.

  1. Log in to the Census Portal: https://census.csnsw.catholic.edu.au/gallery/#!account

  2. Click on Collections on the left-hand menu

  3. Click on Census Upload collection

  4. Click on File Upload App

  5. Click on the Run button in Workflow Settings

  6. Browse for the file you’d like to upload, select ‘Unique Student ID Data’ as the Content, and then click on the Run button.


  7. If you are uploading an Excel file, you will be prompted to choose which sheet you would like to process. Please choose the sheet that contains the data you’re wanting to provide (the whole workbook will upload).

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