Escalating a Critical Issue

Escalating a Critical Issue


If you come across an issue when attempting to upload your data via the CSNSW Census portal that needs immediate attention, you can use the Escalate process to bring it to our immediate attention.

This should only be used in a time-critical emergency. Please ensure your issue meets the criteria before using the Escalation process. You can call the Census Hotline (02 9287 1511) otherwise.

Instructions for New Requests

  1. Log into the Help Centre portal (detailed instructions are here: Using the Service portal).

  2. Create a new request, making sure that you select Census Help. Once completed you will be taken to the Request Detail view.

  3. On the right side of the Request Detail view, click on the Escalate button (shown below).

Instructions for Emailed Requests

  1. Email your Request to census@csnsw.catholic.edu.au

  2. When you receive the confirmation email from your request (shown below) you can click on the View Request link (highlighted). to open the Request Details view for this request.


  3. On the right side of the Request Detail view, click on the Escalate button (shown below).

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