How to Upload Census Data

How to Upload Census Data

Getting In

Access to the Census Data Upload portal is via NETiD: Welcome to CS NSW NETiD Client

If you don’t have an account for NETiD, there are “Sign up with Google” and “Sign up with Microsoft” buttons.

On the NETiD website, the “My Applications” tab will include an option titled “CSNSW Census File Upload.”

Once you click on the application link, you may see one or both of the following screens appear:

Click “Continue”



Please select the option that has “@netid.csnsw.catholic.edu” at the end.



Once you’re into the portal, you may also need to click “Sign In”.

This can be done using the link in the top blue bar:

or the “sign in” link in the middle of the screen.

You may again see the “Pick an account” screen from above. Again select the “@netid.csnsw.catholic.edu.au” option.

Portal Homepage

The homepage of the portal shows several options:

  1. Profile - Link to a page that displays your user details

  2. Census Upload - Link to the file upload process

  3. Historical Uploads - Link to a page of links to previously uploaded files

  4. Student Report - Link to a PowerBI report showing summary data of student counts

  5. Staff Report - Link to a PowerBI report showing summary data of teaching and non-teaching staff counts

Uploading A File

Click the “Census Upload” icon to start the file upload process.

Step 1. Select Census Details & Select File

The first step is to tell the system which census period and what type of file is being uploaded.

Select the correct values from the following three drop-down lists:

  • “Year” - This will usually be the current year, but it could also be the previous year if data issues are still being resolved for the August census in January.

  • “Census From Month” - There are only two options: February and August. Pick the relevant one.

  • “File Content” - There are three options: “Student”, “Teacher”, and “NonTeacher”.

The Year, Census Month, and File Content values are used to valid the filename of the file being uploaded.

Once these three values are selected, a file must be selected to upload. Click the “Choose File” button to see a standard “File Open” dialog window for your operating system, either Mac or Windows.

When the file is uploaded, an orange box will appear to indicate that it has been uploaded and that the filename is being checked against the dropdown list values selected above.

The “Submit” button will turn blue and become available if everything matches.


Step 2. File Validation

Data validation checks are run now that the system knows what file has been uploaded and its name matches those selections.

When this process is complete, a “success” or “failure” message will be displayed. Regardless of the result, a validation report can be downloaded.


To save processing time, only the first 50 errors will be displayed in the report.

A particular error type will often be repeated throughout the file; for example, gender might be stored as Male/Female/Other rather than M/F/O. If this is the case, there is no need to produce a report with the same error for every row of the uploaded file.

Step 3. Final Upload Steps

The upload process is complete if the uploaded file is valid and has no errors. However, if there are data errors in the file, these will need to be corrected, and a new file will need to be uploaded.

Keep uploading files until there are no errors reported by the system.


While it is not essential to keep track of the different versions of the files that have been uploaded, we suggest incrementing the version number at the end of the filename. See the file naming conventions section to learn how to do it.

Historical Uploads

The Historical Uploads page allows a user to retrieve previously uploaded files. As time goes on, this will include files from previous years and census periods.

Step 1. Select the period

From the drop-down menu, select the period in which the file was uploaded. Then, click the “Collect Upload History” button.

After a short wait, the list of previously uploaded files will be displayed.

Click on the “Download” link to download the file. The “Report” link allows you to download the validation report saved for that file.

Reports - Student + Staff

Two Power BI reports are available for data checking and validation purposes. They can be accessed from the site's homepage. The reports summarise counts by grade or by position by school.






If you have any issues using the file upload portal, please contact the CSNSW Service Desk. The “Contact Us” menu option provides the email address.

Alternatively, you can follow the instructions on this page to get support: Getting Support from CSNSW

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