Transition Student Plans - Personalised Planning

Transition Student Plans - Personalised Planning


This article is a guide that contains information in the Transition of Student Plans process.


  • Your NETiD account

  • Personalised Planning application

Information and Guide

Who Can Transition Student Plans?

  • Any user that is registered for Personalised Planning within NETiD for their organisation PLUS has REPORT level access (not just STANDARD level access). Principals in schools have the access level to grant REPORT level access for staff in their schools

  • REPORT level access will allow users to see the yellow hand transition button on the school Student Management page:


  • Transitioning student plans can only take place between schools that exist as either systemic or non-systemic Catholic schools

  • Schools are responsible for transitioning Personalised Plans to other Catholic schools when and if appropriate

Privacy And Transitioning Student Plans

  • All onus is on schools (either sending or receiving plans) to ensure that they have confirmed consent, are authorised or required by law, or are otherwise transferring/accessing the student’s personal and health information in accordance with the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) and the Australian Privacy Principles (APP). This will also mean that when schools request CSNSW appsupport to transition a student to another setting or to unarchive and move a student to another setting – schools will need to first confirm with CSNSW appsupport that they have this consent from parents before the transition can take place 

  • Staff in schools and dioceses must NOT transition Personalised Plans (and included attachments) to other schools until they have received explicit written consent from parents that the school is allowed to exchange this personal and health information with another setting (even schools within the same diocese) (except where otherwise allowed under the APP)

  • Staff in schools and dioceses must ACCEPT/APPROVE the transition of a Personalised Plan (and included attachments) from another school ONLY after they have received explicit written consent from parents that the school is allowed to request and/or receive this personal and health information from another setting (even schools within the same diocese) (except where otherwise allowed under the APP)

  • There may be certain circumstances (such as under Section 16A within Child Protection legislation) that Personalised Plans may be transitioned without the consent of parents – schools must ensure appropriate documentation is exchanged with other settings before transitioning students under this action

  • To remind schools of their obligations to gain consent from parents BEFORE transitioning students to a new setting, the following information box appears in the transition task box:


Checklist Before Transitioning Student Personalised Plans

✔ Gain written explicit consent from parents to exchange information within the student plan with another setting

✔ Remove any sensitive information from Personalised Plans that the student’s parent or school do not wish share BEFORE transitioning or archiving a student plan (not all schools and not all dioceses use Personalised Plans the same way with parents)

✔ Download and save a copy of the student plan to a local drive or server before it is transitioned so that a copy of the student's Personalised Plan is able to be retained by the school

How To Transition A Student Personalised Plan

  1. Select the student from the school Student Management page by clicking on the yellow transition hand:


  2. Select the Diocese and then the School within the diocese that you wish to transition the student to. Ensure that you have the correct school AGEID number for the new school selected. Note: all Independent Catholic Religious Institute (RI) and Public Juridic Persons (PJPs) schools appear under INDEPENDENT NSW for DIOCESE


  3. Click on the red TRANSITION button to commence the transition


  4. Click on the “YES, SAVE IT” button to finalise the transition


Checklist Before Requesting Or Accepting A Transitioned Student Personalised Plan

✔ Gain written explicit consent from parents to request/access information within the student plan from another setting

How To Accept/approve A Transition Of A Student Personalised Plan

  1. On the Student Management page, click on the blue TRANSITION LOG button. Only users with REPORT level access can access the TRANSITION LOG button


  2. Click on the blue thumbs up button to accept the transition ONLY after parents have given explicit consent for your school to access their child’s personalised plan from their previous setting (this for students brought out of archives as well as students who have transitioned to a new school):


  3. Click on the red thumbs down button to reject the transition OR click on the green “X” button to cancel the transition – both actions return the student back to their previous setting. This also applies for students placed in the transition log that have not eventuated to be enrolled at your school

  4. Students will remain in the transition log until they are transitioned successfully or archived. It is the responsibility of the Diocese to ensure students in the transition log are actioned appropriately. CSNSW will contact RI/PJP schools that have students in their transition log to assist with finalizing their transitioning

I Have A Student Leaving My School But I’m Not Sure Where They Are Transitioning To – What Do I Do?

  1. Remove any sensitive information from Personalised Plans that you do not wish to share BEFORE archiving a student plan (not all schools and not all dioceses use Personalised Plans the same way with parents)

  2. Download and save a copy of the student plan to a local drive or server at school BEFORE archiving the student

  3. Locate the student on the Student Management page for your school and click on the red “X” button to archive the student. Only users with REPORT level access can archive students

End Of Year Roll Over And Transitioning Of Students

Towards the end of Term 4 each year, CSNSW will perform the Year End Roll Over. This is where:

✔ All students will be moved up a year level (note any student who has had their year level manually changed up a year level before the roll over will move up two-year levels)

✔ Any student in Year 6 at a school which does not have a Year 7 level, is automatically registered on the Transition Log

✔ Any student in a school which is closing will automatically register on the Transition Log

✔ Students in Grade 12 will be moved to Grade 13 to allow staff to download, save, print and then archive their records

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