Process to grant SchoolsHub access

An email notification from DESE will be sent to some CSNSW Data Team that an access request has been raised from their website.

Here is an example of an email notification from DESE.

This email will be forwarded to and will automatically create a CSNSW service ticket.

How to process the SchoolsHub user request from CSNSW Jira

  1. Update the subject of the ticket from the CRM number to the staff name and school. For example, from “FW: Access request submitted CRM:0504899” to “Nerida Larter has requested access to SchoolsHUB for Freeman Catholic College”

  2. Update the Assignee on the ticket to your name or to the IT team member who will be working on the request.

  3. Update the Component to Department of Education - SchoolsHub.

  4. Go to the message of the email and then look for the staff name requesting access.

  5. Go to the SchoolsHub website and login using your account

  6. In SchoolsHub, on the left menu, select Manage Users. Under the Access Request section, change the view from Show 3 to Show All to expand the list of users.

  7. Look for the staff name requesting access. Click the name, and it will open the request.

  8. Check the email address of the requester and identify the diocese based on the email domain. For example, is from Sydney Diocese, and is from Parramatta Diocese.

  9. Refer to the Census Diocese Contact Details and copy the email address of the diocese contact based on the requester’s email domain.

  10. Going back to the CSNSW service ticket, update the Reporter on the ticket, and then paste the email of the diocese contact.

  11. Add a comment on the ticket requesting the diocese contact to authorize/approve the request. For example,

11. Set the status of the ticket to Waiting For Customer after the comments are saved/sent.

12. When the diocese provides their approval, go to SchoolsHub and approve the user request based on the roles advised.

13. Back to the CSNSW service ticket, update the status of the ticket to Resolved - Done and provide comments that the access has been granted. For example,


Please refer to for a SchoolsHub access request example ticket.