Initial fault resolution tasks

Prior to logging a support ticket to the CSNSW Helpdesk could you please ensure you have completed the following steps:

Apply any outstanding Windows Updates

To see if you have any Windows updates that either are awaiting installation or need to be downloaded and installed please do the following.

  1. Click on the Windows start menu, usually at the bottom left of your screen, and then select the Settings cog just above the power icon.

    Windows Start Menu and Settings
  2. On the settings screen select the Update and Security option.

  3. If it is not already selected, please select the Windows Update option. From here you will be able to see if there are any outstanding updates waiting to be applied, if there is nothing shown, please click on the Check for updates option.

    Windows Update Screen


NOTE: Do not select any updates that relate to Windows 11, CSNSW has not verified Windows 11 for user on our devices at this time.

Reboot your computer

Whether or not any updates have been applied, please reboot your computer, as cliched as it sounds this will resolve many problems, quite often updates will have been applied to your computer in the background and may have caused unforeseen issues with part of your Windows Operating system, these problems are easily resolved by a quick restart.

Please ensure that you initiate a shutdown and restart from the windows start menu, if you simply log out or press the power button this does not actually restart the computer.

That resolved your problem?

If you find that following these steps resolved your issue, please make sure you let us know as soon as possible by replying to the ticket email.