Acronyms and Abbreviations
Acronym | Expanded |
ABS | Australian Bureau of Statistics |
ACARA | Australian Curriculum Assessment and Reporting Authority (federal) |
ACE | Assessment Certification Examinations |
AEA | Australia Education Act |
AEDC | Australian Early Development Census |
AGEID | Australian Government Education ID number |
ANAO | Australian National Audit Office |
ARC | Audit and Risk Committee |
ASL | Australian Schools List: to export all Australia schools |
ATP | Assisted Training Platform - DoE login required |
ATSI | Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander |
BGA | Block Grant Authority |
BOSTES | Board of Studies Teaching and Educational Standards |
CENET | Catholic Education Network |
CEO | Catholic Education Office |
CEWA | Catholic Education Western Australia |
CGP | Capital Grant Program |
CSNSW | Catholic Schools New South Wales |
CSO | Catholic Schools Office |
DESE | Department of Education, Skills and Employment (federal) |
DET or DoE | NSW Department of Education (state) |
DMI | Direct Measure of Income. |
DSP | Disadvantaged Schools Program |
DSO | Diocese School Office |
EAL/D | English as an additional language or dialect |
EF | Educational Facility |
EOI | Expression of Interests (Mostly used by CBGA) |
ESA | Education Services Australia (a DESE subsidiary) |
ESL | English as a second language |
ICSEA | Index of Community Socio-Educational Advantage |
IEP | Individual Education Plan |
IESIP | Indigenous Education Strategic Initiatives Program |
IEU | Independent Education Union |
KLA | Key Learning Area |
LGA | Local Government Area |
MCEETYA | Ministerial Council on Employment, Education, Training and Youth Affairs |
MSDS | My School data set |
NADAR | National Assessment, Data, Analysis and Reporting |
NAPLAN | National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy |
NCCD | National Consistent Collection of Data for Students with Disabilities |
NCEC | National Catholic Education Commission |
NDIS | National Disability Insurance Scheme |
NESA | NSW Education Standards Authority (state) |
OOHC | Out Of Home Care (students that are under the care of the Minister) |
PGM | Program Grant Management |
PIA | Privacy Impact Assessment |
PLP | Personalised Learning Plan |
PP | Personalised Planning (also be referred to as IEP or PLP) |
PPSD | Personalised Planning for Students with Disabilities |
PRC | Premier’s Reading Challenge - DoE login required |
QDTP | Quality Differentiated Teaching Practice (this is one of the levels of adjustments for the NCCD) |
RI/PJP | Religious Institute/[Ministerial] Public Juridic Person |
RoSA | Record of School Achievement (what students work through in Years 9-11 to get towards the HSC) |
SBD | student background data |
SEA | Socio-Educational Advantage |
SES | Socio-economic status |
SSOT | Single Source of Truth |
Systemic | Refers to our diocesan system schools |
VET | Vocational Education and Training |
You can also refer to below two government website for more information: