Edit My Details- Personal Details and Organisational Details

Learn how to change/ update your Personal Details including your name, password and secret questions or use Organisational Details if you have moved/changed or started at a new Organisation.

Steps to follow:

  1. Login to NETID at https://netid.csnsw.catholic.edu.au

  2. Go to the My Details tab

You will then have the two (2) tab options:

3. To edit Personal Details, click on this tab.

The account details that are displayed but that cannot be edited: a. type of account b. Status – either active/inactive.

4. Click on Edit if you wish to change any of your contact details

5. When finished editing, click Save

6. To edit Organisational Details, click on the tab Organisational Details:

7. Click on Edit, next to the Organisation you’d like to edit, and update accordingly.

8. Click Save.

9. To add an Organisation, click on Add Organisation (this is when you’ve moved/changed or started at a new Organisation):

10. Add details as necessary.

11. Click Save.

To change your password, please refer to “Forgotten Password”

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