Data Collection: 2023 Student Address Collection

Data Collection: 2023 Student Address Collection


We have included key elements of the official notice from the Department of Education, Skills, and Employment in the sections below. A quick summary of the key information is included in the table immediately below.

Start of Collection

Wednesday 15 February 2023

Due Date

Wednesday 15 March 2023

Technical Specification

2023 Address Collection Data Technical Specification

Help and Support from DESE

SchoolsHUB Address Collection help and support

Assistance from Catholic Schools NSW

Getting Support from CSNSW

What do you need to do?

  • Your school(s) have made a reasonable effort to get current student and parent/guardian address information.

  • You provide guidance to school(s) on how often updates to student and parent/guardian address information should occur.

  • Your school(s) have informed parents about the Address Collection. Send the notice to parents/guardians ahead of the collection.

  • Individuals from the Approved Authority and school(s) have appropriate access to SchoolsHUB Address Collection to submit and/or declare data.

  • Your school(s) location(s) can achieve at least 95% valid addresses for each of students and combined parents/guardian addresses. The department uses Geoscape Geocoded National Address File (GNAF) to validate addresses. If this is not possible for any reason, contact the Address Collection helpdesk.

  • You advise your school(s) of their responsibilities for the Address Collection. This may include schools providing you data for uploading, or you directing your schools to upload data directly to SchoolsHUB.

  • Address Collection data for your school(s) locations(s) is submitted by no later than Wednesday 15 March 2023.

What is the Address Collection?

The Address Collection obtains the following data from eligible schools for each location at the school:

  • Student residential address (excluding student names).

  • Whether the student is a primary or secondary student (education level).

  • Whether the student is boarding or a day student (boarding status).

  • Names and residential addresses of students’ parent(s) and/or guardian(s).

This data is collected under sections 52 (1), 52(3)(c), 52(4) and 58B of the Australian Education Regulation 2013.

The information collected informs school funding calculations. It is combined with data held by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) to calculate a non-government school community’s capacity to contribute (CTC) to the costs of schooling. This may influence the level of Australian Government recurrent funding for non-government schools.

What changes have been made to the Address Collection for 2023?

  1. All data requirements for the Address Collection are detailed in the 2023 Data Technical Specification document. The document describes the expected residential circumstances of students and their parents/guardians and how to report each circumstance. We recommend you provide it to your school software vendor to ensure they have a copy.

  2. The Address Collection Tool to create an XML format file for upload to SchoolsHUB has received some minor updates and will be published prior to the collection opening. Please ensure you are using the latest version of the collection tool, which is available on SchoolsHUB Address Collection help and support.

 When validating a large volume of data (between 1000 to 20,000 rows) in the tool it may take up to 15 minutes for Excel to run the validations. A processing icon is displayed while the data is being validated.

How is the data used?

Address Collection data is securely provided to the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) and linked with taxation data under the Multi-Agency Data Integration Project (MADIP). The ABS securely provides processed, de-personalised data back to the department to calculate CTC scores. The CTC scores inform school’s recurrent funding calculations.

What is the reporting period?

Address Collection does not have a reporting period. Instead, data should be as at the start of the collection period, 15 February 2023 for students currently enrolled at the school’s locations.

Which schools are excluded from the Address Collection?

Some types of schools are not required to complete the Address Collection under the Australian Education Regulation 2013. These schools are:

  • Special Schools.

  • Special Assistance Schools.

  • Majority Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander (MATSIS) schools (as determined by the department).

  • Sole Provider Schools (as determined by the department).

Which students are excluded from the Address Collection?

Some students must not be included in the submission to the collection. These students are:

  • Students in early childhood education programs (also referred to as Year 1 minus 2)

  • Full-fee paying overseas students (international students who do not attract. Australian Government recurrent funding).

  • Distance Education students.

What are the data requirements?

Detailed data requirements are in the 2023 Address Collection Data Technical Specification.

How do I submit the data?

You can submit data by:

  • Generating an XML format file from your school technology system. Load the file to SchoolsHUB Address Collection.

  • Generating an XML format file using the Address Collection Tool. Load the file to SchoolsHUB Address Collection. The tool is suitable for those submitting more than a small number of student records and your school system cannot generate an XML format file.

  • Manually enter records into SchoolsHUB. Suitable for those submitting a small number of student enrolments and submitting unusual circumstance records, including pinning an address/location on a map. (i.e. the address is a property that does not have a street address or a community).



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