Your school(s) have reasonably tried to get current student and parent/guardian address information.
You guide school(s) on how often updates to student and parent/guardian address information should occur.
Your school(s) have informed parents about the Address Collection. Send the notice to parents/guardians before the collection.
Individuals from the Approved Authority and school(s) have appropriate access to SchoolsHUB Address Collection to submit and/or declare data.
Your school(s) location(s) can achieve at least 95% valid addresses for each student and combined parents/guardians' addresses. The department uses the Geoscape Geocoded National Address File (GNAF) to validate addresses. If this is not possible, contact the Address Collection helpdesk or mailto:seshelpdesk@education.gov.au.
You advise your school(s) of their responsibilities for the Address Collection. This may include schools providing you data for uploading or you directing your schools to upload data directly to SchoolsHUB.
Please submit Address Collection data for your school(s) locations(s) by Wednesday, March 12, 2025.
Special Schools.
Special Assistance Schools.
Majority Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander (MATSIS) schools (as determined by the department).
Sole Provider Schools (as determined by the department).
The collection includes any Australian school students who are overseas and are part of an exchange program.
Which students are excluded from the Address Collection?
Generating an XML format file from your school technology system. Load the file to SchoolsHUB Address Collection.
Generating an XML-format file using the Address Collection Tool. Load the file to SchoolsHUB Address Collection. The tool is suitable for those submitting more than a small number of student records, and your school system cannot generate an XML-format file.
Manually enter records into SchoolsHUB. Suitable for those submitting a small number of student enrolments and submitting unusual circumstance records, including pinning an address/location on a map. (i.e. the address is a property that does not have a street address or a community).
What if I can’t submit the data in time?
If you are unable to cannot meet the data collection deadline, please contact the CSNSW support team as soon as possible so that and an extension can be requested on your behalf.