(For full information, see: https://education.nsw.gov.au/teaching-and-learning/student-assessment/smart-data)
Accessing the DOE Portal
Staff at non-systemic (Independent) schools, need to login to the Department of Education portal (https://extranet.det.nsw.edu.au), click on AIS (NSW Independent Schools) and then the apps should appear e.g. Naplan data.
Accessing Scout (SMART2 data)
Login to your NETiD account (https://netid.cecnsw.catholic.edu.au)
Click on Scout
If this shows an error, please email appsupport@csnsw.catholic.edu.au to give you the permissions needed to access Scout.
Password Reset
Please have them go to the extranet (https://extranet.det.nsw.edu.au) and click “Forgot password”.
CSNSW can also assist in updating passwords and extending account access.
Incorrect Data
For any problems, please contact NAPLANreporting@aisnsw.edu.au for support.