Setting Up the Portal to Collect Payments and Uniform Orders

The process that is followed for any financial transactions for the NSWCCC Associations is:

Claiming Your Online Payments

To claim any payments from the portal, Associations must set up as a supplier to Sydney Catholic Schools. A “New Supplier Form on CiANYWHERE” form must be completed and forwarded to Sydney Catholic Schools Finance section before any payments can be processed.

Sydney Catholic Schools has the merchant account into which payments from purchases and payments from Association registrations go. If the portal has collected levy and uniform payments for the Association, the following processes occur:

  1. As the payment gateway is connected to the CSNSW Sport portal, Associations will need to provide CSNSW Sport with the financial download showing amount to be returned to the Association. Please see the HELP Guide for downloading Payment Reports

  2. CSNSW Sport will pass this report onto Sydney Catholic Schools, who will process and reconcile with the bank statements. 

  3. Payment will be deposited into the Association’s nominated bank account.

Creating a Financial Report

Nominated and endorsed Association representative, administration and financial officials log into the administration dashboard then –

Please note that each transaction may be shown over 3 lines – one line for levy component, one line for uniform component and one line for GST component of the transaction.